War – Injustice – Poverty

Did you ever wonder why WIP (war, injustice, and poverty) still exists? WIP causes depression and despair while it spoils the fragile balance of nature. including human nature. WIP is a single entity with three parts. Humanity can only exist in one environment. WIP pollutes that environment making it toxic for human habitation.
image.pngMaximizing human potential while minimizing human risk is an economic function. There is a way to accomplish human betterment. Ignoring economic facts propels people in the wrong direction. That ignore-ance is how vast majorities inflict environmental costs that are difficult to recover, and often impossible to recover.
WIP exists if any of its parts do, and WIP is the plague. There is no partial cure, and it can’t be immediately eradicated. Its elimination requires first its diagnosis, then its careful economic eradication.
People look at history as if its cyclical tragedy was a mirror image of the future. The tragedy is not necessary. People have learned some lessons, and they are learning more things that can fundamentally change the cruel incompetence of past generations. Superstition is not caused by ignorance. It is caused by ignoring the reality that naturally exists. Superstition is what causes WIP. The superstition and the plague can be replaced with optimism. People are naturally gifted with an economic attribute that allows them to create a kinder more competent future.
There is a single fact that former generations were completely unaware of. They thought that clever people could thrive at the expense of others. They failed to comprehend that an attack on even one person was an attack on all of the rest, those living, and those not yet born. All people share a single environment, and humanity has a single life span. WIP spoils that environment, and the quality of the life within it. Yours is priceless. Much of that value lies in opportunities you encounter that can enhance the lives of others.


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